My love rests upon you. Psalm 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. NIV One of the many ways that My love is expressed to you dear child, is through the immeasurable favor that rests upon your life. Though you may not be aware of it at times, all of heaven sees the eternal seal of approval that I have placed upon you, because you are My beloved heir. Though your weakness and brokenness might make you feel otherwise, your union with Jesus has secured your irrevocable position in My family forever. For I placed My own Spirit within you as a deposit to guarantee your eternal inheritance. So when you look in the mirror today, I want you to see yourself beyond the mere reflection of your humanity. I want you to see with the eyes of your heart and through the insight that comes from the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. For from heaven's perspective, you reflect My image, and My mantle of delight is resting upon you even in this very moment. Comments are closed.