My love makes wonderful things. Psalm 139:14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. NLT I delight in everything that I have created dear child and that includes you! For I knew you before you were even conceived and I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. There is no detail of your wonderful life that has escaped My gaze. For you are the apple of My eye, and one of My greatest treasures. I want you to come into agreement with the joy that I have for you beloved, for My love only makes wonderful things. So if you are struggling to love the person that I have made you to be, know that those negative thoughts do not originate in My heart. For I only have good thoughts toward you and I continually rejoice over you with singing. So would you be willing today to reject any condemning thoughts you have about yourself? Would you be willing today to dare to believe that you are wonderfully made? I hope you will, because from heaven's perspective, you are one of My greatest masterpieces. Comments are closed.