My love laid its life down. 1 John 3:16 We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. NLT If you ever doubt your worth to Me, remember the immeasurable price I was willing to pay for your redemption. If you ever feel alone, remember the price I paid to hold you close to My heart. If you ever feel condemned, remember the sacrifice made on your behalf to declare you innocent. If you ever feel unloved, remember that it was love that gladly laid down its life so you could be filled with the full measure of the fullness of God. If you have ever felt fatherless, be comforted knowing that Jesus Himself died so you could call Me Father. As you go deeper into My sacrificial love, you, too, will begin to reflect the same sacrificial heart to those around you. Not because you have to, but because it is the very nature of My love to lay its life down. Comments are closed.