My love resides in you. 1 John 4:16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. NLT My desire dear one, is for you to know My love in increasing measure today. I want you to make My love your greatest aim. I want you to live in My love and I want you to know that My love lives in you.
As you believe at a deeper level that I love you with all My heart, all My strength and all My mind, you will be filled to overflowing with that same love. And the result will be that you will love Me back with all your heart, all your strength and all your mind. The more you believe that you are lovable, the more you will begin to love others as you love yourself, thus completing the Great Commandment. So just receive the love I have for you today My precious child. It is all around you, it is infilling you and is waiting to overflow through you. All I want is for you to surrender to My love and make yourself at home in My heart. Comments are closed.