My love helps you.
John 14:26
But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. NLT
John 14:26
But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. NLT
My Holy Spirit is your great helper, dear one. He is your teacher, comforter, and the One who will lead you to all my plans and purposes for this day. So if you are feeling helpless and overwhelmed by the things you are facing, fear not, My little lamb, for it is My pleasure to give you My Kingdom. And that Kingdom has already been imparted to you by My indwelling Spirit.
So lean into My presence today, and you will find that I am an ever-present help in your time of trouble. For it has always been My heart to protect you, provide for you, and rescue you, no matter what comes your way.
But don't look to your own strength or abilities today, My child. If you have eyes to see, you will realize that you have access to an infinite supply of all the resources in heaven that are part of your inheritance in Christ, right here and now.
So lean into My presence today, and you will find that I am an ever-present help in your time of trouble. For it has always been My heart to protect you, provide for you, and rescue you, no matter what comes your way.
But don't look to your own strength or abilities today, My child. If you have eyes to see, you will realize that you have access to an infinite supply of all the resources in heaven that are part of your inheritance in Christ, right here and now.