My love gives you grace.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ! 9 So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving. TPT
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ! 9 So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving. TPT
My grace is a love gift that I have been delighted to give you, dear one. It could never be earned or deserved but has been freely imparted to you for love's sake. It was My grace that saved you in Christ, and it will be My grace that will carry you every day of your life until the day of your transition home.
For there is nothing you could ever do to make Me love you any more than I do right now. And there is nothing you could ever do to make Me love you any less. If you dare to believe this is the truth, you will find a greater freedom that will set your heart at rest. For it is by grace that you are saved through faith.
So surrender to the eternal goodness of My love, your inheritance in My beloved Son. And live your life today knowing that My grace is sufficient for you no matter what comes your way.
For there is nothing you could ever do to make Me love you any more than I do right now. And there is nothing you could ever do to make Me love you any less. If you dare to believe this is the truth, you will find a greater freedom that will set your heart at rest. For it is by grace that you are saved through faith.
So surrender to the eternal goodness of My love, your inheritance in My beloved Son. And live your life today knowing that My grace is sufficient for you no matter what comes your way.