My love is all-embracing.
Isaiah 40:11
He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. NLT
Isaiah 40:11
He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. NLT
When I look at you, I see you as one of My beloved little lambs, which I hold close to My heart. You may not see yourself that way, and I understand why. After all, sheep are not the strongest or smartest animals and not the swiftest.
But what makes them so lovable to Me is their absolute need for a shepherd. They need to be cared for. They need to be led. They need to be protected. And so it is with you, too, My little lamb. You may think you are self-sufficient, but you need a loving shepherd to care for you.
So fear not, little flock, know it is your Father's pleasure to give you the Kingdom. If you humble yourself, you will see your desperate need to be cared for. And it is in this place of identifying as one of My little lambs, you will experience My all-embracing love, holding you close to My heart in this very moment.
But what makes them so lovable to Me is their absolute need for a shepherd. They need to be cared for. They need to be led. They need to be protected. And so it is with you, too, My little lamb. You may think you are self-sufficient, but you need a loving shepherd to care for you.
So fear not, little flock, know it is your Father's pleasure to give you the Kingdom. If you humble yourself, you will see your desperate need to be cared for. And it is in this place of identifying as one of My little lambs, you will experience My all-embracing love, holding you close to My heart in this very moment.