My child, I know sometimes you get weary as you continue to run your race this side of heaven. I know all in this fallen world that tires you and wears you out. My heart is filled with compassion for every one of your struggles.
I am your Father, and I understand you like no one else could. That is why My heart is turned toward you in your weakest moments. I am not surprised or disappointed when you feel powerless because that is part of the human condition.
I understand your exhaustion and your vulnerabilities. Like a magnet drawn to metal, My love is drawn to you in your weakest moments. So let Me carry you today and allow My love to strengthen you. Remember, My power is made perfect in your weakness because you can do all things through the strength My Son provides.
I am your Father, and I understand you like no one else could. That is why My heart is turned toward you in your weakest moments. I am not surprised or disappointed when you feel powerless because that is part of the human condition.
I understand your exhaustion and your vulnerabilities. Like a magnet drawn to metal, My love is drawn to you in your weakest moments. So let Me carry you today and allow My love to strengthen you. Remember, My power is made perfect in your weakness because you can do all things through the strength My Son provides.