My love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. NIV I know there is much uncertainty that you face in the broken world in which you live My dear child. Governments may fail you. Family and friends may disappoint you. Circumstances may dash your hopes and dreams. And even your own frail body may let you down at times. But I want you to know dear one, though the earth may fade away, My love will never fail you. It is unmovable and unshakeable in its devotion to you. For My heart is steadfast and true and every promise that I make will come to pass because I am a Father who keeps His Word. Yes, there will be a time when prophecies will come to an end and angelic tongues are stilled. But be comforted My beautiful child in knowing that My love for you will last forever. So I want you to look at Me today beloved, and not the crumbling constructs of the world that surrounds you. For I am your safe place and your fortress and I will never ever leave your side. Comments are closed.