My love is boundless. Psalm 86:15 But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (NIV) I want you to know My abounding love and faithfulness today. I want you to be aware of it at a level deeper than you have ever known it before. For I am your true Father and My heart is filled with compassion for you.... Simply because you are My much loved little child and I am your Heavenly Dad! I want to remind you today that there is nothing you will go through that you will have to face alone. For My love is in you and My love surrounds you no matter what life throws at you. So be assured My little heir, wherever you go today, I will be with you and I continually live in you. My desire is for you to be at rest today so My abounding love and faithfulness can carry you whatever comes your way. After all, we are in this together! Comments are closed.