My love is incorruptible. 1 Peter 1:23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, NKJV My love for you is pure and holy and not of this world. It can only be grasped through the revelation that is imparted by My Spirit. Every other expression of love that you experience here on earth, is but a shadow of the love that is eternal and incorruptible. For you have been born again by love and for love, and it is My seed in you that signals to all creation that you are My much loved little heir. There is no condemnation that can reach you. There is no accusation that can defile you. And there is nothing that can ever separate you from My love in Christ. I want you to rejoice today My child. For you are greatly loved and celebrated in the glorious Kingdom of My beloved Son. So walk worthy of this high calling, by simply embracing your royal birthright as a joint heir with your big brother, Jesus. Comments are closed.