My love serves you. Matthew 20:28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” NLT My Son came to serve others, not to be served. For this is the very nature of love. It is simply how My Kingdom works. The greatest in My Kingdom is the servant of all, because love does not demand its own way or seek its own. My love is always focused on the well-being of others, always hoping for the best, and always serving. When you begin to grasp the beautiful humility of love that washes your feet, you will begin to know this at a deeper level, My child. So let Me wash your feet today. It will take childlike humility for you to receive this expression of My heart for you. But as you embrace My servant heart, you will be overwhelmed with My love and you will in turn, begin to wash the feet of others. Comments are closed.