My love is bigger than you imagine. Ephesians 3:20-21 20 Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. 21 Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen! TPT My love for you is infinitely bigger than anything you could ever imagine dear child. My mercy is immeasurably greater than your wildest dreams. And My kindness towards you exceeds anything that you could possibly hope for. And it is your everlasting inheritance in your forever union with My beloved Son. I have sealed you with My own Spirit to guarantee this for all eternity. And My power that is at work in you will continue to enlarge the ocean of your own heart, so you will have increasing capacity to contain all My goodness. If this sounds too good to be true, it isn't My precious heir. This is the gospel that Jesus came to proclaim, and it is your royal birthright in Christ. So I want you to live in this present reality today and not be influenced by any other voice that would tell you otherwise. For even in this very moment, you are seated safe and secure at My right hand, hidden in Christ, far above anything that could ever hinder your eternal relationship with Me. Comments are closed.