My love is always giving. James 1:17 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. NLT My beloved little one, I want you to know that every good and perfect gift you receive comes directly from My hand. For I am your Father and I love giving good gifts to each one of My children. These gifts that I give to you every day, come in various forms and often they remain unnoticed. But make no mistake My child, I am continually showering you with tokens of My enduring affection. Your daily provision is in itself, a testimony of My faithfulness to provide for you. And all of creation continually displays My creativity and delight. So the next time you see something that takes your breath away, remember that it is a love gift from Me to you. For I am the Father of Lights and I do not change like shifting shadows and I love to give good gifts to you. Comments are closed.