My love is always the same. Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed. NLT I love you the same yesterday, today and forever dear one, for My love is from everlasting to everlasting. Though it is new for you every morning, My steadfast heart towards you never changes. I understand why you might think otherwise, because of the conditional love that you have received in the broken world in which you live. But remember My child, My love is not of this world. It is eternal in nature, and it is perfect. And when I see you, I see you as perfect as well. Not because of the good things you have done but because of your eternal union with My beloved Son, Jesus. As He is holy and pure, so are you. As He is loved and celebrated by Me, so are you. So just take a deep breath today, and don't be afraid that My love for you will change based on your performance. For there is nothing you could ever do that could make Me love you any less than I do right now. Comments are closed.